Monday, December 22, 2008

Finally, The Mums Arrive!!!

Brad's Mom and Robyn arrived on Monday. We met them at the airport and then flew directly to Edinburgh.
They brought us a bag full of our wants and needs (including: yellow cake mix, mint-chip cliff bars, cetaphil face lotion, ranch dressing, 2 Costco sized peanut butters, a wetsuit and booties, and sandals) all things that we can't get here! I am so blessed to have a mother-in-law who is willing to take our laundry list of wants and happily come through! The Robins lugged a suit case of the things that make us happy across an ocean and we are so grateful!!!
Also, thank God for Brad... who lugged our luggage in and out of the miniature taxi. I'm still not sure how we all fit in that thing!

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