Saturday, May 9, 2009

An Artsy Day

On Saturday we decided to start the day off right with a Starbucks so that we'd be nice and enthusiastic for our fun filled day of art hopping.
We went to an exhibition housed in this unmarked white building... we felt pretty cool, like super culture nerds because we knew where it was.
Again, I snuck the following pictures for your enjoyment. I made the fatal error at this gallery though... if you get told once to put your camera away, you can play it off like your an idiot tourist who just didn't understand all the signs of cameras with lines through them. The second time you get asked makes you the criminal that someone with a black walky talky follows through the entire exhibit!!! Never fun to be that person.
After the exhibit that we meant to go to we found a bunch of independent art galleries. We popped in and out of some as we meandered through the enchanting streets of London. It's finds like these that make this city great!
Krysta, this one's for you!
Just hangin with the queen mum!
Later, we went to a wine and cheese party at our old Alpha leader's house. Here we are on the train with our California wine!
I asked Brad to put nice clothes on thinking maybe wine and cheese required fancy attire. We were in a rush so I didn't check Brad before we left... this is his idea of fancy!

1 comment:

Krysta Williams said...

I love the art.
I love that you are so devious.
I love California wine.
And I love that Brad still needs clothing supervision.