Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hip Gig

Friday night (10/24/08) we went to see a band at '12 Bar Club.' The lead singer is the History teacher at Brad's school! His band's name is John Devlin and the Revolvers if you want to check out his music click the link. They're pretty good! The 12 Bar Club is one of those hole in the wall places you would see in a movie and think, "Wow thats cool," However, once you're standing there you realize its actually just a tiny dilapitated building that is crowded and smells of stale beer.The place was cooler than we were... we felt like tools in our gap clothes surrounded by some very...very trendy hipsters! However it was a lot of fun to rock out and pretend like we were cooler than we really are.


The Zaballos Family said...

YES! Sweet blog guys! I love it. Did you see I made one for Scott and I? (I know you did Brad, thanks for the comment! And it was chicken, not turkey!) It's kinda nerdy and mainly just about us being married, which is probably interesting to 3 people, but I felt so left out of the blogging world I had to do it. I just haven't told anyone yet...ANYHOW, it's fun to see your lives over there. I got a little jealous of your new friends. We miss you guys. The Randle's were here last weekend and I kept thinking how great it would be if the 3 of our families lived in the same town. Well this probably should have been an email, but I got so excited when I saw your blog, I sorta check it a lot. PS we got credit cards comin in the mail so we can start earning miles!!! Love you guys.

Katie said...

I'm so glad you sent out the e-mail reminder! Nice to catch up on the posts:) Have a fabulous time in Spain-- I'm sure the break is much needed, i know how much work it takes to get settled in a new place;) Glad you are having a great time!!!!!!!!

Rauch said...

you don't rock with your hipster jeans. you rock with your heart. rock on brad and sara and live up to your last name.

love you guys.